That's me!!
Sign me up now!

What's included in the offer?

✔ 2x Monthly Hot Seat Coaching Calls to get personalised access to Money Mindset & Business Coach Te Kahukura. In these calls, you'll get the opportunity to not only learn from other business owners and their questions & coaching but also to ask and be mentored through your own questions and challenges.

✔ Access to Group Chats with other Brown Business Besties to connect, collaborate and share the highs and lows of business with.


✔ Access to Te Tiriti Houkura, my 12 Week Money Mindset, Business, and Investing Program taken by over 100 students.  

So, Who am I?

Kia ora! Ko Te Kahukura Boynton ahau. 

I've been an entrepreneur since I was a child. From selling used pens to my neighbours, to starting a failed clothing label at high school to growing an online community of 60,000 people across platforms & a successful online business scaled to $20k+ months that not only allowed me to leave my job in law that I wasn't enjoying, but to also have the freedom and flexibility to live the life I want. 

But, it hasn't all been rainbows and sunshines. In fact, my first years in business were incredibly difficult and lonely. I sacrificed time with people I love to build what I thought was the business of my dreams - only to live with the regret of lost time. At the start, I had no clue how to create recurring revenue within my business, leaving me to chase money constantly - just to keep afloat.

After nearly quitting in business - I decided to hire coaches to teach me the way to build a sustainable business where I not only worked less, but was able to increase my income and take back my life.

I now get to live the life of my dreams, working from my laptop with an uncapped income helping others do the exact same. I've put in the hard yards so that I can teach my own how they can achieve the same (if not, more) - but in less time. You don't have to struggle like I did, especially if you have your Brown Business Besties by your side. 


This Group is for you if...

✔ You feel alone in business, like you don't have the right circle or mentor around you

✔ You feel like you're just keeping your head above water in business

✔ You feel like your business has taken over your life 

✔ You'd like to quit your job and work full-time in your business OR you already are working full-time in your business but you wonder if going back to work would be easier

✔ Lack work-life balance

 ✔ You're just getting started in business or you've already started, but you'd like to grow your income, stability and success

✔ You want nothing more than to achieve time freedom and financial freedom

✔ Making money feels hard 

✔ Your mindset can sometimes get in the way of you taking action in your business

✔ You lack confidence to show up on Social Media, even if this is something you want to do


I'm in!

This is not for you...

✘You are happy with your current financial situation

✘ You aren't willing to make changes in order to see better results 

✘ You see investing in yourself as an expense and a loss of money 

✘ You are just looking for an overnight success

✘ You don't want to get out of your comfort zone 

✘ You are not open to learning, growing and evolving 

What can I expect from Brown Business Besties?


Hot Seat Coaching Calls

2x Monthly

  • Bring your questions and worries to me and I'll use my Social Media, Money Mindset and Business expertise to guide you
  • Use other peoples questions & answers to learn from (most beginner business owners are struggling with the same things!)

Community Chats

With your Brown Business Besties


  •  A✨ celebrations ✨ chat to share the wins.
  • Q&A Chat to drop your questions if you can't attend the Hot Seat Coaching Call (These are recorded and uploaded so you can watch afterwards!)
  • Community Chat to network with other members
  • Announcements chat

Te Tiriti Houkura

12 Week Self-Paced Money Mindset, Business and Investing Course

  • 70+ Training Videos to teach you the Strategy and Mindset 
  • FaceBook Group with other Students in the Program
  • Q&A Podcasts 

Instant Access to...

  • Whilst you're in the Brown Business Besties community, you'll also get access to any new Programs / Courses / Masterclasses I launch
This is exactly what I need!!

Other students of mine have said things like....

Teena N F 

I have explored numerous self-help resources, studied economics and accounting, and earned two university degrees. Despite a privileged upbringing and success in various areas of my life, I struggled to approach my business and finances through the lens of my unique identity as a Māori woman and a steward of Papatuanuku, our planet.

In the six weeks I have worked with Te Kahukura, my outlook on life has shifted toward a more positive and constructive perspective, often extending beyond business and finances. Gradually, I have transformed behaviors that had led to years of dysfunction and apathy. I have gained significant self-esteem and professional confidence, improved my ability to communicate and advocate for myself in personal and business relationships, and enhanced my physical health and overall mood. My relationship with money is no longer a source of stress; instead, I feel a renewed excitement about my future. Most importantly, I now have a clearer structure for what has long been labeled as my "potential."

Te Kahukura exemplifies extraordinary generosity, skill, and care in her mentorship. She does not discriminate based on upbringing, education, financial status, age, disability, or public recognition. I trust her implicitly and view her as an invaluable guide. If she were to double her consultation fees, I would gladly pay for her expertise.



Ramari R

I've done  2 Maori Millionaire courses and from there decided to do 1:1 mahi with Te Kahukura. As someone who's new to the business game, Te Kahukura has helped me navigate my path forward in terms of what I want to achieve, but most importantly from me, navigate the beliefs I've held around work. This has helped me gain clarity on why I've moved how I have so far in life and to help me heal those limiting beliefs as I move forward in life. Thank you e hoa, appreciate you so much. 

Te Arihi

 Tena Koe Te Kahukura. I can hear the passion in your voice and I know I've made the right decision to invest into this kaupapa and I'm so excited to see where this takes me. 


Kia ora,
What an incredible introduction into the space of wealth generation. I really appreciate the foundations that are being build in the first parts of this course. I find a lot of value tuning in everyday to listen and participate in the content. It's definitely not just a one time listen through and go. I've needed to relisten to the recordings and redo the worksheets to keep building on the foundations that I'm creating. Thank you for your mahi. What a taonga this is for me and everyone else who has decided to invest in themselves through this course.


Kia ora , thankyou so much I have watched and follow your Journey you are such an inspiration and I love how you share so much knowleadge. Thank you for your teaching us . You are so amazing I am glad to be supported by you .


Before my finance warrant of finance I had an irrational fear of IRD and paying tax! The gift of this course dispelled and long lasting fears I had and I finally started living with in by budget and paying Tax and GST straight into another account I couldn't touch! I'm proud of how I manage my finance now & can't thank Te Kahukura enough. Arohanui Xx

Te Arapera

Kia ora I just wanted to say that I am finding this course very helpful for me. The worksheets are great and are great for keeping yourself accountable 😁 looking forward to the rest of the courses.


I was a participant on the Warrant of Finance course earlier this year and in that short time, I learned so much. This was definitely a great start to my financial journey.  It's so inspiring to be mentored by a young Maori entrepreneur and I'm hoping to be able to participate on her new up and coming program. Nga mihi Te Kahukura for being such a beautiful and inspirational role model for all New Zealanders to follow. Love your mahi .


E mihi nunui Ana e hoa 
Katahi te wananga mīharo ko tēnā e hoa. I really appreciate that you were happy to have me in your class sis, hinestly grateful as. E mihi nui ana e te rangatira o nga mea whai rawa. 


Kia ora,

I'm truly grateful for the incredible introduction to wealth generation. The foundational principles covered in the early parts of this course are invaluable. I find immense benefit in tuning in daily to listen and engage with the content. It's certainly not a one-time listen; I've had to re-watch the recordings and redo the worksheets to solidify my understanding and build a strong foundation. Thank you for your mahi. This course is a taonga for me and everyone else committed to investing in themselves.


I recently took your Warrant of Finance course, and at the very least, I have to say I am very impressed. I had limited knowledge about finance prior, but afterward, everything that I thought I would never be able to understand seemed simple. I learned a lot, all of which I now can utilize in my daily life. It was fantastic and a welcoming environment, where you could ask questions easily. You also recorded it all, so I could watch it again at a later time, and that was handy if I ever missed a meeting or needed revision. We learned much more then I expected, and it was all very enjoyable and fun to understand. 
I will be using this information, and I can't thank you enough!


I'm here yasss! 🥳🙌🏿🎉☺️
Love your mahi Te Kahukura, thank you for stepping into your power and Mana to tautoko, inspire and strengthen the rest of us to continue in our mahi to do the same. X


I love this already! Especially as my husband and I are newly married. We deserve this for us and eventually our growing whānau. We are really excited for this journey and are so proud of us for making this step.
Thank you for the time and effort you have made in creating this course. (*only a few hours after signing up)


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